We are so grateful to our sponsors. Please pray for them.
If you see them, thank them, for helping change the lives of our recipients in a big way. And if they have a business, please support it.
Can you help us, like these sponsors have done?
Presenting Sponsor’s
Reupert Heating & Air
The Cohen Family
Donovan Tire
Major Sponsor’s
Auction Sponsor:
Jim and Diana Hoeh
Eagle Sponsor:
The Kleingers Group, Inc.
Birdie Sponsors:
Schiff Insurance
The Lahni Family
Integrity Express Logistics
Covenant Village Nursing & Rehabilitation
RL Industries
The Zieleniewski Family
Closest to the Pin Sponsor:
Corcoran & Harnist Heating & Air
Major T-Shirt Sponsor:
Kings Toyota
Contractor’s Choice
Baudendistel Dentistry
Andrew J Bucher & Co Inc
Hole In One Sponsor: